Saturday, March 10, 2012

Amma Monk Threatens Woman He Infected With Herpes

Not content to just lie, cheat and infect his former girlfriend with a lifelong curse of genital herpes, Taavi Kassila continues to make her life hell simply for asking for an apology.

For former film director, Taavi Kassila, maintaining illusions is everything. By fraud and deception, Kassila falsely promotes himself as a yoga teacher, a celibate monk and resident of Amritpuri - Amma Amritanandamayi's Ashram in Kerala, India. Kassila's black market economy, fueled by book promotions, media appearances, yoga courses and MLM schemes depends on the truth not getting out.

Rishi Taavi Kassila feels threatened because of the existence of one blog which he cannot make go away. The blog 'The Story of Love's Apostle' (Tarina rakkauden apostolista) presents several eye-witness accounts which contradict Kassila's self-styled image as a holy man, celibate, monk and yoga philosopher. Instead we get a picture of Kassila as a love cheat and sex addict who compulsively chases teenage girls and buys prostitutes.

'The Story of Love's Apostle' was created to warn women about Taavi Kassila's sexual deceptions. More women came forward with their own creepy stories of meeting Kassila. The blog would have never been published if Kassila had apologized to his former girlfriend, but he refused.

'The Story of Love's Apostle' was published on June 27th, 2011. Debates raged on Finnish discussion forums because Kassila is a minor celebrity. Voices in support of Kassila attacked the blog writer's sexual values and ethics. The criticisms showed insider knowledge, which only Kassila could know, it seemed that the writers were Taavi Kassila himself. While Kassila could command a team of Amma devotees to illegally plaster city streets with Amma posters it seemed unlikely that they would defend him in a forum.

Kassila and Amma organizer, lawyer Kirsten Pettersson, tried to threaten forum hosts to ban the Kassila discussions. The censorship threats failed. One antisocial writer, suspected to be Kassila posing as a woman, was so troublesome that several threads on one forum were closed and both "Kassila's supporter" and the blog writer were simultaneously banned (from Finnish forum. See threads  Onko Taavi Kassila eettinen joogaopettaja? and  Suomen Amma-keskuksen lausunto Taavi Kassilaan liittyen)

Kassila had managed to suppress that discussion. Things seemed to quieten down. Kassila took this as an opportunity to continue secretly harassing the writer of 'The Story of Love's Apostle'.

Kassila was showing his real nature, nothing holy about it. He could have apologized or written his own account of what had happened, but instead he chooses to be abusive and deceptive. Posing again as different women, Kassila wrote threatening and insulting emails which have been traced back to Kassila. One email threatened that the police would take the blog writer away. Kassila may face legal charges for harassment and actual bodily harm for knowingly spreading a sexually transmitted disease.

Some email addresses which Kassila used:,,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

29 March 2012

Dear One!

I have been made aware of the blog that has been started at I am deeply pained that the name of Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, and her ashram, the Mata Amritanandamayi Math, have been dragged into this situation, which they are not at all responsible.
I would like to make certain things clear:

1. It should be clearly understood that I am not a monk at Amma’s ashram, initiated or otherwise. Out of an interest in trying to lead a spiritual life, I have chosen to live there just like thousands of other people around the world.

2. It is true that Amma has given me the name “Rishi”, but this is only because I asked her for a “spiritual name”. Amma has given such names to thousands upon thousands of people throughout the world. All you have to do is ask. The names are given as a reminder of a goal to be lived up to by the named, not as an indicator of some spiritual achievement.

It is true that I have spoken about the benefits of celibacy in the media, but at the same time I said that a relationship was possible for me, since I have never taken any vow of celibacy, formal or otherwise. If I have hurt anyone, I apologize. It is unfair to blame Amma or her ashram, which is doing so much for the poor and suffering throughout the world, for my personal life. To do so is like blaming the doctor for the patient’s disease.

If someone is of the opinion that I have done something wrong, please, blame me, not Amma. I take full responsibility for my action, but not for actions I did not do.

Kindly remove the blog or modify it so that Amma’s name is not mentioned at all.


Taavi Kassila