Friday, June 28, 2013

Amma Rishi Taavi Kassila Destroys Forum Discussions To Avoid Legal Entanglement

Acting on the orders of cult leader accused of multiple homicide, Sudhamani Idamannel (aka Amma), disciple 'Rishi' Taavi Kassila has destroyed two public internet forum discussions about his potentially criminal activities.

60 year old Kassila has been following Sudhamani Idamannel (aka Amma) for 20 years. Amma Amritanandamayi religious enterprises conglomerate has been accused of using violence, political corruption, internet censorship, harassment and murder to further its huge business empire worth billions. No media agency has been able to assess Sudhamani Idamannel's vast wealth because of the octopus-like nature of her semi-legal charities which act as businesses.

By the wish of Amma Amritanandamayi several websites and forums have been completely destroyed. Bronte Baxter's informative was taken down. A YahooGroup which had 900 Ex-Amma members was destroyed without a trace. The new Ex-Amma group was threatened with bogus copyright claims for portraying a legal photo of a privately purchased Amma Doll. Amma has urged her own followers that they must destroy their private photos of her. Amma tried to sue ex-policeman Sreeni Pattathanam whose investigation revealed that Amma's brother Subhagan (alias Sunilkumar) was beaten to death after Amma threatened that he would die within 7 days (as recorded in Amma's official biography).

Just 2 days ago (June 26th, 2013) several 'hot topic' discussions were deleted from media website Suomi24 (Finland24) after a flurry of desperate and revealingly hateful comments in support of Taavi Kassila. The first discussion "Taavi Kassila ja sensuuri" was 2 years old and contained over 255 posts. The second discussion contained over 35 posts about Taavi Kassila's court date "Taavi Kassila oikeudessa 9.8".

A similar court date discussion thread had been deleted as soon as it had been posted even though it had contained no controversial information.

Amma Amritanandamayi's PR team have been working around the clock to suppress all eyewitness testimonies proving that Amma is a criminal fraud. The wife of Rob Sidon Amma's ex-Disney PR head was caught using an alternative name as she tried to besmirch the reputation of Gayatri (Gail Tredwell) who was formally Amma's closest disciple. Gayatri testified in to Rolling Stone magazine article about the dark side of "Amma The Hugging Saint" including violence and financial corruption.

Taavi Kassila was Amma's publicly listed media contact and honorary chairman until deleted 35 webpages which mentioned 'Rishi' Taavi Kassila.

Two interviews in which Kassila made bogus claims about permanently emigrating to India to become a celibate monk has also been suddenly deleted from media websites after 4 years. It looks like Kassila and the Amma organization are deliberately removing embarrassing evidence which would prove that Taavi Kassila is a nasty religious fake. Kassila goes to Helsinki District Court on August 9th, 2013 in an attempt to refute the idea that Sri Mata Amma Amritanandamayi Devi's representative, monk and ashram resident is a cheating herpes-spreading seducer of teenage girls.


Kassila kielletty? said...

Amma Kassila Forum has been down since Suomi24 discussion were deleted.

How long will the new Suomi24 discussion survive Taavi Kassila's censorship?

Kassila kielletty?

"Sivullinen hihittäjä
28.6.2013 17:10

Taavi Kassilassa meillä varsinainen guru. Maallisesta omaisuudesta ja kaikesta turhasta negatiivisuudesta omien sanojensa mukaan vapautunut mies, joka rahastaa surutta, toimii kuin olisi muita suurempi, käyttää Ammalta saamaansa nimeä kuin nimi olisi jonkin erityislahjan ansiosta saatu. Ammahan antaa nimiä ihmisille, jotka sitä pyytävät. Kassila - rauhanmies, köyhyyden nimeen vannova - harrastaa rahan ja kunnian hakemista oikeusteitse. Heh :) Ja näköjään päivystää tätäkin palstaa 24/7, ettei vain mikään hänen egoonsa ikävästi kalisisi :) En ole itse kirjoittanut yhtään avausta miehestä, tämä ensimmäinen, mutta ainakin kolme asiallista jo poistunut. Eikö saa sanoa, että Kassilan julkinen oikeudenkäynti on 9.8? No, sanonpa kuitenkin. Sinne vain kiinnostuneet kuulemaan ja muodostamaan mielipiteitä tästä charmantista valopäästä, joka on opetellut. Liikkeensäkin näyttävät peilin edessä harjoitelluilta. Vaarallisen sortin karismaa. Moni seuraa, eikä ihme. Pokkaa on."

finances were not open to the public said...

"The ashram’s treasurer, Swami Ramakrishnananda, acknowledged that its finances were not open to the public,"

Amma’s Multifaceted Empire

we won against defamation said...

In AOL Sri Sri Ravi Shankar case

"Thanks to the brilliant work and tireless dedication of our attorney, Joshua Koltun, we won against defamation, trade libel, copyright infringement and created a precedent in US law by refusing to require the disclosure of our identities. cheapest"