Friday, November 22, 2013

Revealing Photo Amma With Rapist Lover Big Swami Balu On Facebook

Very revealing photo of Amma and Amritapuri ashram leader and nun rapist Big Swami Balu.

Mata Amritanandamayi Ammachi with her lover, the Amritapuri rapist Big Swami Balu
Mata Amritanandamayi Ammachi with her lover, the Amritapuri rapist Big Swami Balu

Revealing Photo Amma With Her Rapist Lover Big Swami Balu (Facebook)


Jail Swami Balu and Amma for rape crimes said...

Swami Balu should be arrested in USA for multiple rape. He has traumatized many women.

Amma told a devotee yesterday that she wouldn't comment on Gail Tredwell's book "Holy Hell" and then asked who had been talking about the book. Amma is behind the attacks on anyone who disagrees with her rule.

Eyewitness to Amma's character assassination of others said...

Eyewitness to Amma's character assassination of others

"Amma has likes and dislikes. She likes Indians more than western devotees. She likes men more than women. She has a profound disdain for any person that has had a drug or alcholohol problem and does not believe in recovery. Even when a person is 20 years sober amma will judge and condemn that person as she doesnt believe those types of people can change. Amma has no compassion. Amma and ashram staff verbally abuse anyone with a mental health or drug problem. Anyone who disagrees with Amma or tries to leave amma is publicly humiliated and their reputation is destroyed by the org. Usually the org will tell people that the person is crazy. Amma judges people according to the cultural value system in which she was raised. A real enlightened master would go beyond culture."

Mental Problems for Amma swamis and Bramacharinis said...

Big Swami's serious bouts with depression are well known. A repeated "joke" at the ashram in Amritapuri where resident "breakdowns" were somewhat commonplace: "I guess `he' forgot to take his meds today."