Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Amma Human Trafficker Rishi Taavi Kassila Threatens Us Again

Corrupt Rishi Taavi Kassila threatened our blog again. He wanted us to know that he sued the writer of Tarina rakkauden apostolista for defamation. Kassila is a liar, his case depended on violation of privacy not defamation. The blog writer always declared that the blog is 100% true and regrets the court decision which has allowed Kassila to continue to harm women.

The blog revealed that Kassila had spread herpes, had sex with teenage girls and included the signed testimony of one of his victims (who he had failed to seduce). The blog published a text chat in which Kassila admitted that Amma Amritanandamayi had ordered him to lie about former Finnish minister Tanja Karpela and sign a contract promising never to reveal the lie. Could this be why Kassila won the court case?

Taavi Kassila's written threat is so untruthful and irrelevant that we decided not to publish it. Taavi Kassila makes money by human trafficking European and Russian women to the Amma Amritapuri ashram in Kerala where they are exploited by the violent Amma and her rapist lover Swami Balu aka Big Swami.

Amma has not succeeded in censoring her former secretary Gail Tredwell and Taavi Kassila will not censor our blog. Amma, Taavi Kassila and Big Swami Balu are predators. We will expose them.

If Kassila wants a real discussion then he should start by telling the truth.

Join  Ex-Amma


Amma Herpes Carrier said...

Who do you think Kassila got the herpes from in the first place??? Probably from none other than Big Mummy herself!! When you read 'Holy Hell' you will see she was not only having sex with Big Swami rapist Balu but with Swami Rao - the one who is the main singer, and with a western man. And these are just the ones that Tredwell knew about! Balu did not actually know she was doing it with Rao, so for years she was cheating on him. AND she was not taking the Pill, only all the condoms later found in the drains which the book talks about, so the inevitable happened, which was NOT written about in the book. More on the miscarriages and possibly an abortion to come!! This Goddess is a major slut, that is the reality. She is real trailer trash! And the joke is it would not have even been for some tantric ritual, as Balu was so lousy at sex that he could only last 30 seconds. Possibly why Amma needed more than one man??? Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall back in her tour group accommodation in Europe right now? I wonder if Balu has tried to kill Rao yet???

28.10.2013 Taavi kassila Cafe Agricola said...

Jooga ja minun katsomukseni
maanantaina 28.10.2013 klo 15.00
Cafe Agricola
– Pyöreän pöydän keskustelu –

- Onko jooga vain liikuntaa?
- Liittyykö jooga uskontoon?
- Entä uskonnoton jooga?

Pitkään joogaa harrastaneet suomalaiset kertovat joogan suhteesta omaan elämänkatsomukseensa.

Keskustelemassa Juha Javanainen (Astanga), Taavi Kassila, Marika Palm (ev.-lut.), Anneli Rautiainen (IYENGAR), Sauli Siekkinen (Ananda Marga), Arvo Tavi (Suomen joogaliitto), Tiina Vainio (saunajoogi).

Tilaisuus on maksuton.

Café Agricola, Tehtaankatu 23

Järjestäjinä: Ananda-lehti, Kirkon tutkimuskeskus, Tuomasyhteisö ry.